gorm/mysql timestamp 异常引发的 debug

2021/12/03 golang gorm timestamp 共 4194 字,约 12 分钟




项目使用 gorm 作为 orm 层框架,测试环境使用 gorm tag 建表,如果使用 time 作为时间字段类型,gorm 默认的 mysql 字段为 datatime(3)

那么第一个问题来了,datatime(3) 类型是包含毫秒存储在库中,计量自动任务进行去重时,时间过滤不方便,如果在 SQL 中强行转换时间格式进行比较,很不优雅。

解决方案是使用自定义时间类型 timestamp,在 timestamp 中重写 gorm 方法 GormDataType,并修改 Value 方法,设定 gorm 拼接 SQL 的时间格式,如下示例:

package timestamp

import (


// TimestampFormatLayout formatlayout, save in mysql
const TimestampFormatLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"

// New return timestamp
func New() Timestamp {
	return Timestamp{}

// NewWithTime return a specified time's Timestamp
func NewWithTime(t time.Time) Timestamp {
	return Timestamp{Time: t}

// Now returns the current local time.
func Now() Timestamp {
	return Timestamp{Time: time.Now()}

// Unix returns the local Time corresponding to the given Unix time,
func Unix(sec int64, nsec int64) Timestamp {
	return Timestamp{time.Unix(sec, nsec)}

// Date return time with date
func Date(year int, month time.Month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *time.Location) Timestamp {
	return Timestamp{time.Date(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc)}

// AutoSet auto set type
func AutoSet(data interface{}, fields ...string) {
	if m, ok := data.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
		for _, field := range fields {
			v, exists := m[field]
			if !exists {
			if t, ok := v.(float64); ok {
				m[field] = Unix(int64(t), 0)
			if t, ok := v.(int64); ok {
				m[field] = Unix(t, 0)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// Timestamp unix timestamp
type Timestamp struct {

// Pointer return timestamp point
func (t Timestamp) Pointer() *Timestamp {
	return &t

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (t Timestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {

	if t.IsZero() || t.Time.UnixNano() == time.Unix(0, 0).UnixNano() {
		return []byte("null"), nil

	ts := t.Unix()
	stamp := fmt.Sprint(ts)
	return []byte(stamp), nil

// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (t *Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	var (
		err error
		str = strings.Replace(string(b), "\"", "", -1)

	if str == "null" || str == "0" {
		return nil

	t.Time, err = dateparse.ParseAny(str)
	return err

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// GormDataType gorm type
func (Timestamp) GormDataType() string {
	return "datetime"

// Scan valueof time.Time
func (t *Timestamp) Scan(value interface{}) error {
	if value == nil {
		return nil
	if v, ok := value.(time.Time); ok {
		*t = Timestamp{v}
		return nil
	return fmt.Errorf("can not convert %v to timestamp", value)

// Value insert timestamp into mysql need this function.
func (t Timestamp) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
	if t.IsZero() || t.Time.UnixNano() == time.Unix(0, 0).UnixNano() {
		return nil, nil

	return t.Truncate(time.Second), nil


在后来的使用中发现,修改了 GormDataType 方法后,gorm 的自动填充 CreatedAt、UpdatedAt 功能失效,翻看 gorm 源码如下:

if dataTyper, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(GormDataTypeInterface); ok {
		field.DataType = DataType(dataTyper.GormDataType())

	if v, ok := field.TagSettings["AUTOCREATETIME"]; ok || (field.Name == "CreatedAt" && (field.DataType == Time || field.DataType == Int || field.DataType == Uint)) {
		if field.DataType == Time {
			field.AutoCreateTime = UnixTime
		} else if strings.ToUpper(v) == "NANO" {
			field.AutoCreateTime = UnixNanosecond
		} else if strings.ToUpper(v) == "MILLI" {
			field.AutoCreateTime = UnixMillisecond
		} else {
			field.AutoCreateTime = UnixSecond

	if v, ok := field.TagSettings["AUTOUPDATETIME"]; ok || (field.Name == "UpdatedAt" && (field.DataType == Time || field.DataType == Int || field.DataType == Uint)) {
		if field.DataType == Time {
			field.AutoUpdateTime = UnixTime
		} else if strings.ToUpper(v) == "NANO" {
			field.AutoUpdateTime = UnixNanosecond
		} else if strings.ToUpper(v) == "MILLI" {
			field.AutoUpdateTime = UnixMillisecond
		} else {
			field.AutoUpdateTime = UnixSecond

	if val, ok := field.TagSettings["TYPE"]; ok {
		switch DataType(strings.ToLower(val)) {
		case Bool, Int, Uint, Float, String, Time, Bytes:
			field.DataType = DataType(strings.ToLower(val))
			field.DataType = DataType(val)

发现 gorm 填充字段使用的就是 GormDataType 方法去判断。

修改 GormDBDataType 方法,还原 GormDataType 方法,能够修改默认数据库字段类型的同时也不会影响字段填充。

// GormDBDataType gorm type
func (Timestamp) GormDBDataType(db *gorm.DB, field *schema.Field) string {
	switch db.Dialector.Name() {
	case "mysql", "sqlite":
		return "datetime"
	case "postgres":
		return "timestamp"
	return "datetime"



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